"…And he wants to grow up to be a druggist."

apecover.jpgIn a box of books I bought the other week, I found one of the strangest little items I’ve encountered in quite a while. It’s a promotional booklet used by Johnson & Johnson to advertise their 1953 marketing program for drug stores and pharmacists.

And the flier stars…monkeys, apes, and other primates.


As pharmacists.


With “funny” captions.

Only, more often than not, the captions are just creepy. Or strange. Or unintelligible. It’s almost Dada-esque in its sheer weirdness.

To appreciate in all its glory, I’ve created a Flickr set of the complete book for your enjoyment. I especially recommend page eight.

Don’t know if he’ll grow up to be a druggist, but I’ll bet he’ll take some…