Daily Links – March 18, 2009

To Be (Shakespeare) or Not To Be? Doubts about the newly-discovered portrait of The Bard.

Write Your Own Irish Memoir! Just in time for St. Patty’s Day. Bestseller list, here I come.

Tragic loss in PA – Humans fine, books and cats less so… A heads-up from buddy Lux Mentis about a fire at the shop of our colleagues at The Philadelphia Rare Book Co.

The information architecture of Kindle 2.0. From Marginal Revolutions: “The author agrees with my basic claim that the Kindle favors plot-driven fiction over complex non-fiction or for that matter postmodern fiction. Referring back and forth across sections is a no-no, so goodbye Pale Fire.”

Times online lists of "10 Spectacular second novels," "10 Cursed second novels," and "10 Literary one-hit wonders." Via Boing Boing.

What to Read… Laura @ bookn3rd has a great list of books to read “if you’re interested in book history: a short list of foundational works and other helpful material.”

New Work: Murals for The Library Initiative. Great story and images from a project to have major architects and artists help build, design, and remodel school libraries.

free from fiji. Joyce turned me on to these great download-and-assemble-yourself artists books.