So many books…

I’ve spent the past two days going through over 300 boxes of books that were part of an estate. I estimate I looked at over 7500 books. Now, here’s a question. How many books/boxes did I go home with? Take a minute. I’ll wait.

Ready? Have your number?

Answer: Five boxes. About 150 or so books. Less than 2% of what I saw.

I’m often asked over the phone, “What books do you buy?” I’d like to answer “Very few.”

Sad truth most people don’t understand: The majority of books are worthless, or nearly so. Too damaged, too dated, too common, too many online, too little demand.

I know dealers who might have taken more than I did (and several who would have taken even less), but the larger truth remains: Books are a dime a dozen (and often not even that much).