What I got for Christmas…

My Store sign

My wife commissioned my brother-in-law to make this sign for my shop window. I won’t even tell you what I had there before. But needless to say, this is a vast improvement and exactly what I would have gotten had taken the trouble to do so myself. Thanks, sweetie.

I know I’ve been away from this blog for too long. Things have been hectic in the weeks since I last posted. My wife’s working on the East Coast for the next six months, which means that it’s just me and my daughter until then. Couple that with my seeming inability to remain cold/flu free for more than about a week at a time and you have a recipe for blog negligence.

That said, in the coming days I hope to post about:

1) A BRILLIANT parody of Eliot’s “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” I recently found
2) Why second catalogs are SO much harder than first catalogs
3) Some selections from my bookstore bookmark collection

And a few other odds and ends. Happy Holidays.