Meet my husband…

Ever since I bought the bookshop, both my wife and I have noticed a strange reaction when we tell people what I do. Though I’ve been a book dealer for the better part of four years, it’s only since I’ve had the store that people have begun to react oddly…It’s a hard response to describe. It’s a kind of disbelief mixed with confusion. “Really!?” they say, “I mean, that’s so cool, bur how does he DO that!?” My wife likes to say it’s as if she said something like “Oh, my husband? He’s a…

Professional juggler…
Champion Bridge player…
Former sex worker…
Hit man…
Successful oragami designer
Much-in-demand Lego sculptor

It’s not that they don’t understand what she’s saying, it’s just that they seem to think it’s so unlikely. I guess it’s nice to know at least I’m not the only one.